Activation starts with you
Thank you for joining us for our Annual Gathering!
Our work is to embolden extraordinary community: to connect your passion for Lancaster County to ways to build community, and to ensure that our shared future is one where everyone thrives. You are the catalyst for what’s next. Your ideas are the spark we need to make it happen. We want to help activate your commitment to Lancaster County.
We’re committed to working with you to build an extraordinary future for our entire community. We realize that a community can only be truly extraordinary if everyone, regardless of background, faith, financial status… If everyone is welcomed and included. We can only be truly extraordinary if we recognize the power of investing resources and time with, not for, people that have been traditionally underrepresented in our community.
We know that we have a lot to learn and we definitely don’t have all the answers.
Yet we believe our community’s ability to develop equitable and inclusive opportunities is vitally important to our shared future. Extraordinary means dreaming fearlessly about what can be, and turning it into what will be.
We believe the best ideas for Lancaster are in our neighborhoods, in our businesses, and in our people. We want to bet on you.
To activate is to start – to take that first step; make that first move; offer up that creative idea. It might be to extend a handshake, make an introduction, or offer an invitation.
There is no one right person, no one right way, no hay un solo idioma, for activation. Because Lancaster is extraordinary…and we’re just getting started.
We challenge YOU to take the next step…or the first step…to activate your hopes. We’re here to walk beside you. When we work together, we can turn what’s possible into what’s extraordinary.
How will YOU activate?
See stories of activation:

Milan Credle
“ When I love something or someone, nothing can stand in my way.”

Chip & Rebecca Cargas
“Some people need education, some need great childcare, some need inspiration… We like the idea of being part of a whole county of people thinking about our future. Our work is one piece in a bigger picture.”

Salina Almanzar
“I think about how as a kid I felt anywhere might be better than here. Now I think it’s my job to make this place, this city, what I needed and wanted as a kid. We need each other and we need each other whole, healthy, and strong.”

Cathie & Lydia Rosado
“I believe every child deserves to be loved. My mom has helped me set up my own fund so I can help kids during my lifetime and beyond.”

Marquis Lupton
“It honestly made me feel amazing to realize that I have the capability to do something great for our community, and that there are folks out here willing and ready to join in.”

Jennifer Goldbach
“ I can’t fix everything, but if I can make a difference to one friend, one family member, one customer, one employee at a time, then that’s what I am going to do!”