The Clean Water Fund
About the Lancaster Clean Water Fund
The Lancaster Clean Water Fund serves as a catalyst for increased collaboration to efficiently achieve clean and clear water in Lancaster County by 2040. It provides a unique opportunity to work with landowners, leaders, and communities across the county on education, restoration, and protection projects to improve water quality. Across Lancaster County, clean water is a priority. With the majority of Lancaster County streams and much of our groundwater unhealthy, our community is a priority area for reducing specific pollutants (nutrient and sediment) by 2025 in accordance with Lancaster’s Countywide Action Plan (CAP).
Grants of $1,000 – $25,000
This grant is created and managed with the Lancaster Clean Water Partners to achieve clean and clear local waterways by 2040. To view past project examples, click here.
Watch the Susquehanna Riverlands and Clean Water Partners Information Session

Grant Specifics
Some project categories include, but are not limited to:
- Art installations that educate the public about water pollution and opportunities
- Water quality monitoring (must include an educational component too)
- Community-led implementation of conservation practices
- Watershed educational campaigns or student projects that involve the community
- Public/private collaboration to encourage students or adults to consider conservation and water-related careers.
A match is not required. Awarded funds will be released to grantees after signing a Grantee Partner Agreement. Grantees will be responsible for submitting one report at the end of the grant period which includes a financial report.
Grant Timeline
Application opens: 03/12/24
Draft applications due for staff feedback (optional): 06/3/24
Final applications due: 07/1/24
Award notifications (yes or no): 09/1 /24
Grant funding period: 9/1/24 – 9/1/25
Completion Report Due: 10/1 /25

We’re here!
Questions about this grant opportunity should be directed to Megan Blackmon, Project and Grants Coordinator

Send Program Officer Alma Felix from the Community Foundation an email.
Images credited to Michelle Johnsen Photography. Courtesy of the Lancaster Conservancy’s Water Week 2019 album.